
Brittany Guelzow Brittany Guelzow

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Ear Infections?

It’s story time at Peapod Family Chiropractic, stop me if you’ve heard this one before…

Your infant gets an ear infection. Doc puts them on antibiotics and it clears up. One month later, they have another ear infection. Doc prescribes another round of antibiotics and the ear infection clears up again. Yada yada yada…repeat this a few dozen times and we skip ahead to your child getting ear tubes and you guessed it, the ear infections stop. It’s smooth sailing until the tubes fall out and the ear infections return. Now, you have an infant or child that has undergone surgery and the problem never really went away.

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Brittany Guelzow Brittany Guelzow

Ward Off the Back-to-School Kiddo Germs with Chiro Care

Now that school is in full swing again, I’ve noticed a lot of families are going through immune system challenges. Our nervous system is responsible for making sure our bodies have the capability to adapt. When a virus goes through a school or class, not every single child will get sick. This has to do with the way their body and immune system handles the pathogens that they come in contact with.

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